Pavel Durov, the innovative mind behind the messaging application Telegram, made an exciting announcement on Monday. According to Durov, Telegram is currently profitable, with its aggregate revenue surpassing an impressive $1 billion in 2024.
This news comes as no surprise, as the company has been steadily growing its user base and introducing new revenue streams. Since the launch of its premium subscription service in 2022, Telegram has gained 12 million paid subscribers. This steady influx of paying users has played a significant role in the financial success of the messaging platform.
In addition to its subscription service, Telegram has also been exploring various avenues to generate revenue. The company recently introduced features tailored to businesses, including an ad revenue sharing service. This service allows businesses to monetize their channels on the platform, providing them with an additional stream of income.
Further expanding its revenue streams, Telegram has enabled creators to earn money through paid content on channels. This feature has proven to be popular among users, as it allows them to support their favorite creators while enjoying exclusive content.
Another exciting development from Telegram is the introduction of a micro app store. This app store offers users a curated selection of mini-applications that enhance the user experience on the platform. By providing users with additional tools and services, Telegram is able to further engage its audience and create new opportunities for monetization.
As a result of these innovations, Telegram has seen a significant increase in its monthly active users. The platform now boasts over 950 million monthly active users, making it one of the most popular messaging applications in the world.
In addition to its impressive user base, Telegram has also been successful in building up its financial reserves. Durov announced that the company is ending the year with over $500 million in financial reserves, excluding its crypto assets. This strong financial position has allowed Telegram to repay a substantial portion of its debt bonds this autumn.
Durov revealed that Telegram had issued approximately $2 billion in debt over the past four years. Taking advantage of favorable market conditions, the company was able to repay a significant portion of this debt, alleviating some of its financial obligations. Despite this progress, Durov emphasized that there is still much work to be done to ensure the long-term financial health of the company.
Looking ahead, Durov has ambitious plans for Telegram’s future. In an interview with the Financial Times earlier this year, he stated that the company intends to go public in the future. He also expressed confidence that Telegram will achieve profitability by 2025, setting a clear goal for the company’s financial performance in the coming years.
With its strong financial position, innovative revenue streams, and growing user base, Telegram is well-positioned for continued success in the messaging space. As the company looks to the future, Durov and his team are focused on driving growth, expanding revenue opportunities, and delivering an exceptional user experience to millions of users around the world.